Remove rows that exist in another table in Power Query – How to use an Anti-Join (Not-In-Join) for data cleansing in Power BI

April 16, 2023
Denis Selimovic
Power Query / Mcomment 3Created with Sketch Beta.0 comments

When you’re preparing your data in Power Query, you might come to the point where you have to exclude rows in one table, that exist in another table. An example would be if in the sales table you want to exclude rows from business customers or rows from any kind of “black list”. In SQL…

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The ultimate guide to date table relationships – understand relationships with a date column, an integer column and “mark as date table” in Power BI correctly

April 2, 2023
Denis Selimovic
Data model, DAXcomment 3Created with Sketch Beta.2 comments

If you work in analytics or business intelligence, you are probably already familiar with a date dimension, since almost every analysis has a reference to a date. But although nearly every data model has a date table, there is quite some confusion about the details. Should I use the column from the type date for…

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One-step conditional value replacement in a column in Power Query

March 13, 2023
Denis Selimovic
Power Query / Mcomment 3Created with Sketch Beta.8 comments

When you’re working a lot with Power Query, you will sooner or later have to replace values in a column, based on some conditions. Unfortunately, there is no step for that in the Power Query editor. Usually you have to add a conditional column and then remove the old column and rename the newly created…

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Check if a text contains a specific value in DAX

February 26, 2023
Denis Selimovic
DAXcomment 3Created with Sketch Beta.4 comments

Did you ever need to check if a certain text contains a specific value? While this may seem like a small topic, it’s one that I have come across multiple times in my own work, and I’m sure many others have as well.In this short article, we’ll explore how to handle this situation using DAX.…

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How to block other people from overriding your dataset in Power BI (and why you might not want to do that)

February 20, 2023
Denis Selimovic
Administrationcomment 3Created with Sketch Beta.0 comments

When you publish a dataset on the Power BI service, anyone with the proper access to it can make changes to the data model. Most of the times, you want people to cooperate and work together. But there are some cases, where you don’t want to allow others to override your dataset for some reason.…

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