Announcement: Power BI Premium per user coming soon

September 23, 2020
Denis Selimovic
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In yesterday’s poston the Power BI Blog, Microsoft announced the upcoming Power BI Premium for individual users.

The advantages of Power BI Premium compared to a normal Pro Account are quite clear: 48 refreshes per data set per day compared to 8 refreshes with the Pro License, automated machine learning possibilities, cognitive services, the up to 16 times better performance (according to Microsoft) and the significantly higher limit for the size of data sets offer among others a huge added value.

Premium up to now only affordable for large companies

The problem so far is that Power BI Premium starts at 4’995 USD – noted per month. This corresponds to the financial expense of about 500 Power BI Pro licenses. Therefore, this license is a realistic alternative only from about 500 users on. For small and medium-sized companies this is hardly a worthwhile investment.

Welcome Premium per User

This is exactly where Power BI Premium pro User steps in. To say it in advance, the prices are not yet announced, but Microsoft calls it “uniquely affordable”. During the public preview, which starts at the beginning of November, it is even completely free of charge.

Known details

Today Microsoft is adding some more details about Premium per user in the new blog post.

The most important innovations are from my point of view:

  • Power Bi Premium per user contains all features of a Pro license
  • The premium capacity does not have to and cannot be managed by the user like a normal premium license.
  • Once a premium per user license is purchased, it can be activated in any workspace by the user himself.
  • As soon as a workspace is set to premium per user, it gets a diamond logo with a head in front of it:
  • Once a workspace is marked as premium per user, each user in the workspace must have a premium per user license
  • Data sets that are uploaded to a premium per user workspace can only be used by users who have a premium per user license. So I can’t buy a premium per user license, upload the data set and my colleagues could simply access the data set with their pro license.
  • The entire Tenant has 100 TB of storage space, which is shared by the premium per user accounts.
  • The public preview starts at the beginning of November

Microsoft also provides a comparison of the features of premium per user and the “normal” premium:

Source: Microsoft