That’s one giant leap for me, one small step for mankind

September 15, 2020
Denis Selimovic
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Hello everyone,

it is middle of September and my vacation is slowly coming to an end. I had the time to think and am highly motivated to start something new. My digital notebook is well filled with all kinds of topics around BI that I deal with in my daily work and specifically Power BI. In my experience with clients and colleagues, sometimes we all get stuck on the same questions. I don’t want to keep my knowledge to myself, I want to share my experiences, I will start a blog!

Where will the whole thing lead to? No idea at all! Does it add value for the reader? Also no idea. Will there even be readers? At least one, if you made it to these lines 😉

If you would like to learn more about me, please have a look at my short introduction.

Otherwise, have fun reading this blog!
Denis Selimovic